Celebrating Easter in North Wales? Join in Local Traditions!

Celebrating Easter in North Wales

There’s nothing quite like celebrating Easter in North Wales! If you are spending the holiday in your static caravan check these out:


Ancient traditions

On Easter Sunday (Palm Sunday) you’ll find many Welsh people tending the graves of their dearly departed. The graves become a burst of colour with an array of spring flowers including the renowned, bright yellow daffodils.


On Good Friday you won’t see too many locals out and about. It is a day of rest. Traditionally people used to walk to churches barefoot but it would be a rare sight nowadays!


In days gone by children would make an effigy of Jesus woven from reeds they collected from rivers. They would then place the figure on a cross made from wood and take it to a meadow to lay it to rest.


There are always plenty of Easter parades throughout the whole of Wales.  Some towns and villages have specific ways of celebrating Easter Monday in North Wales.  For example, processions may take you to the top of mountains very early in the morning to watch the sun come up.


The ancient tradition of somersaulting 3 times on the summit to welcome the sun is no longer practised as far as we know. Probably just as well because it sounds pretty dangerous!


Modern traditions

Celebrating Easter in North Wales would not be complete without the famous Cadbury’s Easter Egg Hunt. For those who love chocolate, there are loads of National Trust properties where eggs have been secreted.  The kids can also find them in gardens and on beaches.


Here is the nearest Easter Egg Hunt to Golden Gate Holiday Centre, Towyn.  It spans from Conwy Suspension Bridge through to Aberconwy House, and anyone who completes the hunt will get a Cadbury’s Chocolate gift.


Celebrating Easter in North Wales is going to be a lot of fun since the Easter Egg Hunt is not just held on one day.  At Aberconwy House you can participate on Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. Check out times and entrance fees by clicking on Cadbury’s Easter Egg Hunt


Naturally, at Golden Gate, we will be celebrating Easter in North Wales style. There will be plenty of traditional Welsh food to be enjoyed in the local area. If you haven’t tried traditional Welsh cakes or roasted Welsh lamb you don’t know what you are missing!

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